Case studies

Linkvertise – Case Study Amazon CloudFront

The performance of the platform suffered due to the rapid growth of our customer Linkvertise. This is where Skaylink and AWS came into play.

Linkvertise GmbH & Co. KG was founded in 2017 and brings the creators of digital products (publishers) and their consumers together with its global search network. The digital products include browser extensions, add-on content for online games (mods), license-free music beats, etc. 

Linkvertise brought Skaylink on board for AWS hosting back in 2017. In this interview, we speak with Marc Winter, CEO & founder of Linkvertise, about the business model and, of course, the cloud hosting solution.

How did the idea for Linkvertise come about?

“We started with the idea of offering a better monetization solution for publishers of expansions and plug-ins for the online game “Minecraft”. Thanks to my own experience and contacts in the Minecraft scene, I was able to acquire my first publishers in this niche and generate sales.

We stand out from the competition with greater earning opportunities for publishers and, above all, a unique search engine. For this reason, we have grown purely organically in recent years to 300,000 publishers with a variety of 20 million products and 50 million monthly users. Due to the enormous growth, we have reached the limits of our previous hosting solution.”

What challenges and problems needed to be solved with Skaylink’s AWS hosting?

“To manage our growth, we had to ensure the scalability, stability and global accessibility of our platform. Before we switched to Skaylink, we regularly experienced server overloads and outages and response times that were far too long for our consumers. Instead of concentrating on the further development of our platform, our team had to deal with these hosting problems.” 

Details at a glance

  • Managed AWS hosting with AWS EC2
  • CDN solution

How was Skaylink able to solve these problems?

“In the initial consultation meetings, we were immediately made aware of a CDN solution. We were also shown both the advantages and disadvantages, as well as alternatives. Overall, we were given very helpful advice. For us, it was clear from the outset that we would use AWS as the market leader in the cloud segment.”

Which advantages and improvements were you able to achieve from it?

“We were able to scale our platform performance easily without having to build up additional internal personnel resources. We no longer had any unplanned downtimes and were able to achieve very short response times worldwide. And on top of that, we were even able to reduce our AWS costs.”

Thank you, Mr. Winter, for this extraordinary insight. We wish you continued success and look forward to working with you in the future!