AWS cloud migration

Migrate to a flexible AWS cloud and unleash innovation

Create space for innovation with your Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. Let a certified AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) provider show you how.

Accelerate growth with a AWS Migration Acceleration Program provider

Hit the ground running with an expertly managed transition to your new and powerful cloud environment – with a partner with certified AWS Migration Competency. Realize lasting cost savings, reduce downtime, and maximize efficiency with Skaylink.

We’ve helped hundreds of companies successfully transition to an AWS cloud. Our full-service expertise means we are here for the journey, no matter the complexity. From as-is analysis through to planning, migration, and managing your ongoing operations – we’re at your side the whole way through.

There’s so much to be gained from migrating to AWS. What are you waiting for?

higher availability
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Benefits of migrating to AWS

Cost savings

Clients save an average of 30% to 40% of their current costs by migrating to the cloud. This frees up resources so you can concentrate on refining your organization’s core expertise.

Greater flexibility

Maximize your capacity for innovation to stay ahead in competitive times. By migrating your data center to the cloud, you can accelerate your operations while retaining the agility to respond to change.

Reducing risks

Clients switching from on-premises to AWS cloud realize an average of 7 fewer hours of downtime annually. Skaylink follows a secure and trusted approach to migration resulting in more stable operations, reducing the risk of failures and improving customer experience.

AWS migration accelerators

Skaylink is certified under the AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP), designed to ease the migration of critical workloads, such as databases. Organizations benefit from expert guidance to support their migration efforts, offered via Skaylink as a MAP-certified provider.

Migrating Microsoft workloads to AWS

Let’s get the best of both by migrating your Microsoft workloads to AWS. We’ll guide you through the development of these environments by creating hybrid or cloud-first scenarios, while simultaneously optimizing costs, security, availability, and performance.

We cover the full process, including consultation, coaching, project design, implementation, and continuous operation. This gives you maximum flexibility. Need advice and architectural guidance for an internal migration? We can help. Want a hands-off, fully managed service devoid of operational complexity, allowing you to focus on innovating and maintaining your core operations? We can help with that, too.

Skaylink follows a refined approach to migrating Microsoft workloads to AWS. We analyze your Microsoft infrastructure services, such as Active Directory, SQL Server, Windows Server, Exchange, and SharePoint environments and define the best strategy to run these in a secure, cost-effective, and reliable way on AWS.

Speak to our experts to learn more about our best practice approaches to moving Microsoft workloads to AWS.

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Principles for a successful migration

To make your move to the cloud a success, we prepare your migration in a targeted manner with our “Assess” phase. 

Your clear, customized migration path

No path is without its challenges. But people who know the obstacles can circumvent them intelligently − and this is also true for the migration into the cloud.

Optimization & licensing assessment for Microsoft Workloads

Creating and implementing a migration plan for your Microsoft workloads before migrating to AWS can make the move to the cloud run as smoothly as possible.

Case Stories